This is a very special private tour, it’s not easy to visit a mortadella factory and see how they work, just for us. You will discover the big difference with the terrible boloni or other sausages you can find around the world. We will discover its ancient history: mortadella has been produced here since the 1st century before Christ or even earlier, we will see how it changed along the centuries, how it was made in the past and how it’s made today. You will meet also the grandmother of mortadella! I will you pick you up at your hotel and take you to the small handicraft factory where they do their work by hand like in the past and where the owner will guide us and explain us all the secrets of the production. During our visit they will stop the work to show us exactly how mortadella is made in all its steps. At the end of the tour you can taste all the best products they make, from the normal mortadella, to its grandmother, to the rare boar one. It’s easy to understand that this private tour is quite expensive and exclusive but you will bring back with you wonderful memories of your special day inside the secrets of Bologna.

Bologna Gourmet

Largo Respighi 8, 40126 Bologna
Tel: +39 051-270512
Cell. +39 335-5336613
Fax: +39 051-19982189